Saturday, June 6, 2009

Don't you just love getting mail order?

I am nuts about ordering things that are to be delivered to me by UPS, USPS, and any other channel that requires grown men to wear short pants. I am in a constant state of expectancy. What will come today? Will it be books? DVDs? Make-up?
I remember the first order I ever made. I ordered luggage through a very popular catalogue company, or at least it was at the time. They still call from time to time.... They can't have the luggage back.
I might have, what some may call, an addiction to mail order. I am further enabled by the internet, but let's be honest, there is a ton of great stuff to be mailed.
It is a shut-in's world, folks. I am a shut-in at heart.
I can't even begin to imagine the best thing I ever ordered. I think it would have to be my blue Jimmy Choos, or MAC cosmetics. I don't know. There is too vast a selection to choose from.
As weird as it sounds, I am not destitute. I am in debt though... What does destitute mean?
If you have ever called a credit card 800 number at 4 am, then you are my kin. If you have ever been lured by Leeza, or scintillated by Cindy, then you know me. If you have never missed out on a one time offer, you are my peeps.

Come kinsmen and kinwomen, time is almost up call in the next 6 minutes and get an additional 50% off.

Friday, June 5, 2009

What is it about Twilight?

My mother, of all people, is addicted to the Twilight series. She is enthralled by each and every character and the actors that play them. I am aware that there is a group of "moms" out there who are addicted to the franchise and I wonder why. I am 34, respectively, and I really don't understand it.
From what I can gleen from my own mother is that she is pining for fantasy and romance... not that that is a bad thing. I think it's great... and curious. I have spoken with her and I have informed her that I believe she is reliving her teenage years, vicariously, through a girl who is in love with the ultimate bad boy. I know my mother as well as anyone can know there mother, and I am saddened at the thought of my mom, as a teenage girl, alone in her room daydreaming for James Dean. On the flip side, I am glad James Dean never came.
I have had my share of bad boys... They grow up to be jaggoffs. My mother, on the other hand, married a man 10 years her senior and proceeded to take care of his children. Soon after that, she had her own children to take care of.
I don't know the details of my mother's teenage love life, but I am sure if there was a juicy story in there I would have heard about it. So goes the affinity for Twilight. I am glad when she regales me with the goings on of "Fork", because it makes her giggle like a teenager. Her soul is so young. Her eyes light up. Her imagination aglow.
While I am doing dishes thinking about whether or not I am paying enough attention to my baby daughter, who sleeps 4 yards away, my mother is reading, or re-reading a Twilight book. She may be watching the DVD, or googling the next movie. Like a tweener with the Jo-bros, my mama has Edward.

God bless you, old girl.